Category: Constitution of India
UNION GOVERNMENT EXECUTIVE, PRESIDENT OF INDIA, VICE-PRESIDENT, PRIME MINISTER, COUNCIL OF MINISTERS - The executive branch of our government takes the responsibility of administration. It implements the internal and external policies of the government. It enforces the Acts enacted by the Parliament and the judgments delivered by the Judiciary.
Category: Agriculture and Industries of India
The word manufacturing literally means “to make by hand?. In a broader sense manufacturing means the process of conversion of raw materials into more useful and valuable articles with the help of artisans or machines.
Category: Agriculture and Industries of India
India is predominantly an agriculture country. Agriculture contributes significantly to the National Income. At the same time Indian agriculture is completely dependent on the vagaries of monsoon.
Category: Agriculture and Industries of India
Industries in India may be classified as follows: 1. capital and labour employed, 2. nature of raw materials used, 3. sources of raw materials, and 4. nature of ownership of industrial organization.
Category: Geography of India
To know about the significance of transport and communication, To learn about the achievement and progress made in the field of transport and communication., To understand the role of transport and communication network in the economic development of India.
Category: Geography of India
A comprehensive river valley project that serves a number of purposes simultaneously is called multipurpose river valley project. Multipurpose river valley projects serve many purposes such as controlling floods, irrigating lands, generating electricity and attracting tourists.
Category: Geography of India
Irrigation is the process of supply of water through artificial methods to cultivate land in the regions of inadequate rainfall.
Category: Geography of India
The south-west monsoon winds bring rains to greater part of India. Kerala, because of its proximity to the Indian Ocean is the first state to get monsoon winds.
Category: Geography of India
1. The Indus Basin 2. The Ganga Basin 3. The Brahmaputra Basin
Category: Geography of India
To understand the physiographic divisions of India. To know the structure and formation of Himalayas, Great plains and peninsular plateau, coastal plains and Islands. To learn about the significance of each physiographic divisions of India,
Category: Geography of India
Demography is a science that deals with the behaviour of population. Demographic transition means various stages that a country undergoes in the process of economic development.
Category: Geography of India
The thin surface layer on the earth is called soil. Soil consists of mineral particles, decayed organic matter, living organisms, water and air.