Demography is a science that deals with the behaviour of population. Demographic transition means various stages that a country undergoes in the process of economic development.
of demographic transition
Demography and
demographic transition.
is a science that deals with the behaviour of population. Demographic
transition means various stages that a country undergoes in the process of
economic development. Demographic transition is studied in terms of intricacy
of birth rate and death rate. The number of birth occurred per thousand
population in a year is termed as birth rate. The number of deaths occurred per
thousand population in a year is termed as death rate. Demographic transition
has three main stages
Stage I: High birth rate and high death rate stage,
Stage II: Low death rate and high death rate stage and
Stage III: Low birth rate and low death rate. These three stages characterise
the economic development of a country.
1. High birth rate
and high death rate indicate underdeveloped economy:
High birth rate and high death rate are the main characteristics of an
underdeveloped economy. Universal and early marriages, lack of modern
education, influence of customs, tradition and attitudes are the major reasons
for the high birth rate. High death rate is prevalent in underdeveloped
economy. Poverty, poor diet, unhygienic sanitary conditions and absence of
preventive medicine are the main reasons for high death rate in underdeveloped
2. Low death rate and
high birth rate indicate developing economy: Low death rate
and high birth rate are the main characteristics of population in a developing
economy. Improvement in the economic conditions of the people raises the
standard of living of the people. There is an increased awareness of the
benefits of the small family in the developed countries. Improvement in the
medicine and moderately good sanitary conditions has helped in the eradication
of many diseases in the developing economy. The cumulative effect of these
developments reduces the incidence of diseases and deaths. Developing economies
are burdened with overgrowth of population. This is mainly because fall in the
death rate and existence of high birth rate.
3. Low birth rate and
low death rate indicate developed economy: Low birth rate
and low death rate is a sign of developed economy. The benefits of small
families are greatly understood by the people in the developed economy.
Advancement in science and technology has helped in reducing death rate. Low
birth rate and high productivity have resulted in the improvement in the per
capita income. This has a great significance in the economic development of the
country. Low birth rate, high per capita income and low death rate have shifted
the economic position of the country into a new equilibrium. This stage is
clearly a stage of highest economic development.
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